Alphabetical by Surname

Search an alphabetical list of my relatives.


         To then find their family link to me, click on the surname below.


Surnames of my Ancestors

Adams1, Adams2, Allen, Allsop, Ankers, Ball, Banbricke, Bayley, Beech, Bell1, Bell2, Blackhouse, Bland, Brindley, Brown, Bruce, Bowman, Buckley, Buckstones, Campbell, Carrick, Chadwick, Clayton, Cockburn, Dakin, Douglas, Dunning, Clulow, Crow, Dickinson, Edwards, Evans, Fleming, Forrest, Gardner, Garner, Gibson, Goostrey, Hall, Hamnett, Hebblethwaite, Hepburn, Hollinshead, Hughes, Hulme, Hutchinson, Joyce, Kennedy, Kilgour, Kirby, Kirk, Lauder, Lee, Leslie, Lovatt, Lunte, Martin, Mellor, Milner, Minshull, Normandy, Oakden, Oakes, Overend, Penlington, Price, Proctor, Richards, Robinson, Roe, Royle, Shaw, Somerville, Spencer, Sproston, Stanton, St Clair (of Herdmanston), St Clair (of Longformacus), St Clair (of Rosslyn), Steele, Stevens, Stewart, Stubbes, Thornhill, Thornton, Titterton, Toulmin, Trimmer, Turner1, Turner2, Walker, Whitehead, Wibberley, Wild, Wilkinson, Williams, Yeomans, Yoxall.

For privacy, I've included only a few relatives in the list who were born in the last 100 years.
I have over 5,000 additional relatives, descendants of those found on this website.
Please contact me for more details.

It is intended to extend this list of key people in my tree and enable you to find out more about them.


Leslie Fleming

1805 3x great-grandfather

Edward Turner

1803 3x great-grandfather  

Francis Roe

1818 2x great-grandfather  

Sir John Lauder

1683 8x great-grandfather  

Joshua Kirby Trimmer

1767 4x great-grandfather  

Sarah Kirby Trimmer

1741 5x great-grandfather  
        Sampson Stubbes c1550 9x great-grandfather
        Robertus de Lavedre c1030 26x great-grandfather
         Sir William St Clair c1408 18x great-grandfather
    Waldernus de Sancto Claro c1000 30x great-grandfather  
         Robert the Bruce 1274 21x great-grandfather  


Created with Family Historian 5